NBA Youth & Amateur Officiating Development Lead Conducts Clinic for Taunton High School Students

Superintendent John Cabral and Athletic Director Mark Ottavianelli are pleased to share that the NBA Youth & Amateur Officiating Development Lead, Gary Zielinski, visited Taunton High School on December 13 to conduct a clinic for students in the Sports Officiating Class.

Zielinski, who spent 18 seasons as a referee in the NBA, discussed positioning, mechanics and court awareness during the one-hour clinic. He also shared his personal history and experience. 

“Students were excited and engaged,” said Ottavianelli. “It was great to hear Gary reinforce for students what they are learning in class.”

Some students have already begun working in youth leagues as officials, helping to fill a shortage of referees.

“We’re very proud of this program,” said Superintendent Cabral. “I commend Mark and his team for identifying and developing this class to enrich students and benefit the Taunton community.”

The 20 students, juniors and seniors, are approximately five weeks into the basketball unit. Earlier this school year, students studied soccer. This spring, students are expected to learn volleyball, baseball and softball. NBA Youth & Amateur Officiating Development Lead Gary Zielinski instructs students in the Sports Officiating Class at Taunton High School