Academics » National Honor Society

National Honor Society


NHS Logo

When the National Honor Society was founded in 1921, the hope was to create an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. Unveiled over a century ago, the National Honor Society enshrines four pillars at its heart: ScholarshipServiceLeadership, and Character. More than mere badges of honor for NHS members, these principles are transformative keys that unlock potential, enhancing every student’s educational journey, and ultimately empowering them to make profound, enduring contributions to our world.
Induction Requirements
Students  are invited their junior year based on scholarship (GPA of 3.5 or above) and must fill out an application, essay, letter of reference, and show examples of leadership and community service. Students must also be in good standing regarding attendance and Taunton High Schools code of conduct. 
National Honor Society Activities
  • NHS Peer Tutoring  
  • Community Service Opportunities
  • Induction 
Students in NHS must adhere to the community service hour requirement prior to graduation. 
2024-2025  Officer Team 
President- Emersyn Deponte
Vice President - Abigail Doherty
Secretary- Ava Pagliuca
Treasurer- Cameron Dorr
Historian- Maiya Langham
Community Service Coordinator-  Sofie Pawlowski
NHS Advisors
Sarah Gibson [email protected]
Julie Barbour [email protected]


Important Dates
Candidate Applications due 
Mandatory Candidate Interviews
Week of 12/19
Candidates notified via email of membership decision 
Induction 6-8 PM
Upcoming Meeting Dates: 